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​​​Yoga instruction in the lineage of
B.K.S. Iyengar

II.47 prayatna saithilya ananta samapattibhyam

Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.

II.48 tatah dvandvah anabhighatah

From then on, the sadhaka (seeker) is undisturbed by dualities

-Yoga Sutras of Patanjali-


Iyengar Yoga is named after Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, December 14,1918- August 20, 2014.  B.K.S. Iyengar was a sickly child who freed himself from his afflications through the practice of yoga asanas.  He spent 80 years of his life practicing yoga. He used his body as a laboratory to understand the effects of the asanas in his body so that he could translate those effects into how to help people experience the same benefits.  Many people used to come to him with various ailments, diseases and injuries and this led him to create the use of yoga props.  Blocks, belts and bolsters now seen in most all yoga studios are his genius creativity.  He had to figure out how people, who could not do the classical versions of the pose could experience the benefits and alleviate their problems.  This is what led him to invent the use of props.  He was inspired by pictures of yogis from ancient times.  Once such  portrayed a yogi hanging from a tree, which led to Rope Sirsasana, a hanging variation of headstand. More famously, the yoga strap was inspired by a picture in Hampi of Lord Narasimha sitting crossed legged, his legs held together with a strap around them. 

He struggled in the early days of his teaching, sent to Pune, India by his Guru.  A place where he did not know the language or the land.  He used to bicycle around on a rented bike teaching classes and later he used to travel to Mumbai to teach.  He was graced with help from well established locals and later from Sir Yehudi Menuhin, the famed violonist.  Through their help, B.K.S. Iyengar travelled to Europe and the United States showing yoga demonstrations to propagate, as he called an art, a science, and a philosophy.  He effortlessly weaved the philosophy of yoga as he taught classes. His premise for "Iyengar Yoga" was that yoga was meditation in action.  That all the 8 limbs, ashtanga yoga, could be achieved through the practice of asana. ​